Can I still reschedule a missed lesson?


Last Update 5 months ago

Once in a while, you might miss a lesson for various reasons. In that case, if the cause is not communicated to your tutor before the lesson starts, it is only appropriate that they are compensated for the effort in preparing, and the time your tutor waits for you in the virtual classroom.

Nevertheless, your tutor will decide whether to grant you a reschedule. If the lesson has been marked as completed or otherwise, you can click the "Report Issue" button on the lesson card, and the teacher will determine how much of a refund you should be granted. Please provide any appropriate comments in the issue's comment section.

Note that you only have 48 hours after the lesson has ended to open an issue on the lesson. After this time, the platform will not allow you to open an issue.

Once the lesson has been resolved by the teacher and the teacher gives permission to reset the lesson, the lesson can subsequently be rescheduled.  Both the teacher and the student can reschedule the lesson.

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